Blomliv - kukkaloistoa Närpiön keskustassa

Blomliv is a flower shop located in the center of Närpes, offering everything from cut flowers and bouquets to houseplants and arrangements. Maria, the owner of Blomliv, is a passionate florist with a special interest in locally grown cut flowers.

Brändäys ja websivujen suunnittelu: E Nyman Design Webbshop: Vilja media

Visualinen identtiteetti ja logosuunnittelu

The logo for Blomliv was developed in three different variations: one with the company name + symbol, one in the form of a seal, and a simplified version with just the symbol ”BL.” This makes the logo responsive and easy to use on everything from stickers on flower bouquets, window decorations, and social media. The color palette for Blomliv is earthy and warm, simultaneously adding a luxurious feeling to the materials.

Blomlivin väripaletti on maanläheinen ja lämmin, samalla tuoden ylellisen tunnelman visuaalisen materiaaliin.